Friday, December 18, 2009

Boot-free, but no running in sight....

Well, since the last time I posted I've packed up a Penske, driven 5 days cross country with Dad, found an apartment, started a new job, unloaded the truck, unpacked (sort of) and have been in Portland for about a month now.  The orthopedist I saw in VA right before departing put me in an immobilization boot, which I finally transitioned out of last week.  I've seen 3 different graston guys out here, along with an acupuncturist.  I've settled on 2 of the graston guys (both at the same practice) and am now getting treatments twice a week.  I can bike, swim, elliptical, etc, but no running allowed.  So far, lots of late night swims at the gym and early morning spin classes. I got back out on my road bike for the first time last weekend, so look forward to ramping that up a bit.  I'm going to see a naturopath after Christmas to discuss some type of injection that might help.  I walked home last night for the first time and it didn't feel bad, although it's hard to say bc I saw the doc this a.m. and now am bruised and swollen (from him, not the walk).

I mentioned to the doc that I had made it through the Miwok lottery, so have a 100K to shoot for on May 1.  He told his colleague (who had already advised against this), who came in and scolded me and reminded me that this was probably not a good idea.  We'll see...I plan to run on May 1, and hope to be back running in the next couple of weeks. 

The guys I'm seeing said that immobilization was not a good thing, and that a much more active therapy would have been appropriate.  Not what I wanted to hear 5 weeks into wearing the boot.  Anyhow, they are doing graston, massage, laser, some electro therapy and I have exercises to do twice a day.  I've got tears in both the posterial tibial tendon and apparently the one on the outside (peroneal), too, per the MRI results.  So, I need to really work on balance/stabilization/strength in this area before they'll let me run, so as to prevent it from happening again.

I ran to catch the bus today, just to spite them (well, mainly bc I was already late for work), but for the most part am following doctors orders and hoping to get back out there soon....  Looking forward to a long ride tomorrow in the hills around Portland.


saschasdad said...

It's great that you have a tangible goal in Miwok to shoot for. I truly believe that will keep your spirits up, and thus, help in healing your body quicker and stronger. Also, I'm definitley not any type of medical guy, but what the PDX guys said about mobilization vs immobilization really makes sense. Kind of the "use it or lose it" theory. Use it and keep getting stronger, Amy. I hear the Rumble (either distance) is a great trainer for Miwok!

Jeffery Rogers said...


Came across your name in the Miwok Entrants list, and found your blog. Sorry to hear about your injury. Sounds like a lot of other good changes have come your way in 2009.

We'll look forward to seeing you in 2010.

MeganGonzalez said...

It's great to hear that you’ve found some effective Graston practitioners and are getting regular treatments. Balancing your recovery with staying active through biking, swimming, and elliptical workouts is impressive. cricketbet999 login

Anonymous said...

It’s awesome that you’ve set your sights on Miwok! Having that goal can definitely be a huge motivator and a great way to focus on healing and rebuilding strength. Bc game register