Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trying to focus on the positives.....

.....rather than the negatives, and avoid talking about HURT.

So, on a positive note, the UROY rankings came out, and I was again honored to show up in the top 10, coming in at number 9 for a second year in a row.  These polls are always a mystery, but to even have my name show up with the list of folks that received votes--many of my ultrarunning idols--is an honor.

So, as I sit here feeling like a loser, and dwelling on my DNF at HURT, this UROY ranking (as artificial as it is) reminds me that I don't completely suck, that I have run well before, and will run well again.  And, that I've DNF'ed before, and then gone on to win races, and then gone on to DNF again, and then run average, OK races that are neither here nor there.  Not every day can be a good day. Some days are great, some are OK, and some suck.  And such is life....I did nothing fatal, I did nothing even close to fatal (for which I regret, but maybe karma stepped in, because I was actually about to fall off a cliff on lap 4?), but I'll try again, and hope that the next time, I have that blissful type of day that keeps me coming back. Regardless, I'll keep HURT in the back of my mind, and use it to push a bit harder the next time.  


Sabrina Moran said...

You're awesome. Keep your head up, and enjoy your training. Great post, awesome perspective on this whole racing thing. :)

Olga said...

I would have easily pictured you at least a couple of spots up. Don't underestimate your year!
Hope you are not hurt (npi). You'll win next one, promise? :))

sea legs girl said...

Oh wow, Amy - I totally agree with Olga about not using one race to estimate a year (or yourself)! I meant it when I said I thought you could win HURT and I think no differently of you now then before the DNF. OMG - I DNF'd the Copenhagen Marathon for God's sake and yet had the best year of running in my life.

If there is nothing in particular that needs to be fixed that went wrong, then you are right not to dwell!

Congrats on the placement in UROY! I'm guessing you didn't pay anyone for the spot - you definitely earned it!

Ronda said...

You definitely earned the UROY ranking however it's decided. No mystery about that. You are one hell of a runner but most of all your one those cool runners. The kind that has perspective, fun and doesn't take themselves so seriously. That, besides the fact that you are smokin fast is why you win more times than you DNF. Great year for you. Can't wait to see you knock down WS in pure Amy fashion.

Hone said...

It was good seeing you out there. You were killing it. Anyways DNFs are just part of the game. 100s are such a far distance and a ton of stuff can go wrong out there. Anyways I am sure you will dust yourself off and be destroying races for the rest of the year.

ultrarunnergirl said...

You are still you - amazing and awesome, girl!

Melissa Schweisguth said...

Congrats on the UROY recognition. It's well deserved and you really earned it through a lot of dedicated, hard training and racing. Your humility about it is refreshing. Happy trails and another great season! said...

One thing for sure. Most of the people focus in negative things. As a example. If you read 50 positive comments and just one negative. You will focus in the negative more.

Anonymous said...

Being ranked among your ultrarunning idols is no small feat—it’s a testament to your hard work and passion for the sport. 11winner Login