I only have one thing on the calendar this summer, and that's Where's Waldo on Aug 22.
So that leaves me wondering what to do next. Laurel Highlands 70 is in a little less than 2 weeks. It's not far off in PA, and supposed to be a beautiful trail, with lots of nice ferns--I'm a sucker for ferns. Or there is Highlands Sky 40 in WV the weekend following. I haven't run Highlands Sky, but have seen parts of the course and it is gorgeous. Jumping into Bighorn 100 has crossed my mind, too. I'm sure my run home will restore sanity.
One goal for the summer is more cross training. I hope to both bike and swim at least once or twice a week. My new road bike arrived over the weekend, so once my pedals arrive, the fun of Amy with clipless pedals begins. I hope that there is no correlation between falling while running on trails and falling on a road bike. While in El Salvador, I experimented a couple of times with clipless pedals, and only fell in the first 5 seconds the first time I was on the bike. I hadn't been warned about tipping over (seems obvious enough that one shouldn't have to be warned), and it hadn't occurred to me until it happened. After the initial fall, I was able to successfully navigate a road with many speed bumps and herds of cattle without further incident. Plus, I was wearing size 13 mens shoes on a bike fit for that man, so I'm guessing that it can only get easier. Excited for my first ride this weekend.

Now to decide what to run.....
I am totally up for a bike ride some evening/weekend!
And, run Laurel Highlands!!
In addition to swimming and biking, I suggest you add some strength training. Nothing in a gym that includes isolation, I'm talking burpees, box jumps, kettlebell swings, etc. That was my primary focus for this years MMT and I had NO problems with my hip flexors post race. Since you run commute, make more of a workout out of it by stopping every 5 min or so (depending on the length of the run) to do 50 squats or lunges. Something simple like that will have your hip flexors thanking you after you next race. Congrats on MMT and enjoy your new bike!
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